Tennis balls for beginners

Don’t play with dead balls. The same argument that applies to rackets applies equally, in fact more so, to tennis balls. It is not possible to hit old, light, worn-out tennis balls of any degree of accuracy. Play with new balls. The fuzz on the covering of a new ball keeps it in true flight…

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The beginner tennis racket

… Should not be a beginner racket. Many beginners believe that a cheap racket is good enough to start with. This is not so, because no degree of accuracy can be obtained with a poorly strung, badly balanced racket. Purchase the best racket of a nationally known make that you can afford. It is advisable…

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Tennis Clothing

Generally there are no rules for what you need to wear, but it is important to wear loose comfortable clothing as well as shorts or pants that contain pockets deep enough to hold two balls comfortably. Unless you’re playing in Wimbledon you can wear any color combination you like.

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